“They” and “Them” are real in my alternate Universe

I cried for mankind for most of my years beginning in early childhood. I’m not sure if it was the bipolar skew or not, but I was a wise and omniscient-like human. I knew my DNA before I knew what DNA was. I was deeply convicted that I had a choice—Rise to His call, or follow my own path. I chose Him.

I was enlightened each time I asked the Universe to extend the paths to finding and resolving the Great Mysteries of the Universe. Music spoke to me, but it wasn’t a delusional event—I could decode the cries of my fellow Humans. I listened with absolute intent.

I want to find Her again. I intermingled with the Dark Side, perhaps too often. My harmonic equilibrium has been temporarily interrupted.

I shall find Her again—Unification shall occur. I am a conglomeration of who and what I choose to be. To He’ll in a Black Hole to nonbelievers. We all have potential to hear the Universal Cries as mankind and Earth die.

Relation and parallelism are increasing beyond exponential powers. The spread of harmonic discord interrupts Her Quantum Nature.